Spay / Neuter Assistance

To date Dorothy’s Cat Sanctuary has helped low income individuals spay/neuter approximately 34 cats and 7 dogs. Depending on the financial situation at the time individuals may have to be put on a wait list until such time that funds become more readily available. When funds become available these people will be contacted and are then required to make an appointment at the Highland Animal Hospital. Once the appointment has been made they will then contact us back with the appointment date and time and as to whether it is a dog or cat, male or female, and pets name. We will then give consent to the Highland Animal Hospital to go ahead with the procedure (no procedure will be done without our consent).

The individuals requiring the assistance are asked to pay a marginal fee towards the expense. That fee has to be paid to the Highland Animal Hospital prior to the surgery.

Anyone wishing assistance must contact Donna Landry at (902) 302-1332.